A Journey Towards Mental and Physical Improvement

In a world that often tests our resilience and challenges our limits, there is an ever-growing need for individuals to harness both mental fortitude and physical strength.

Enter Agoge Week, an event designed to equip attendees with the tools and mindset required to conquer life’s obstacles, both mental and physical. This transformative experience offers a unique blend of ancient wisdom and modern techniques, all aimed at helping you become the best version of yourself.

Agoge Week is inspired by Stoic Week, of which we have participated since the first event. However, our primary aim is physical training, diet, and ascetic practices, with philosophy mixed in.

We hope to provide you with guidance on how to live for years to come, but to really give it your all during the week of the event.

A Modern Odyssey

Derived from the ancient Spartan concept of the agōgē, a rigorous and demanding training system for young warriors, Agoge Week is a modern-day adaptation that promises to be a life-altering experience.

Agoge Week represents more than just a mere event; it is a voyage into the depths of human potential, designed to unleash hidden strengths and foster personal growth. Drawing inspiration from the Spartan ethos, this week-long adventure pushes the boundaries of what you thought possible, leaving an indelible mark on your life.

Mental Mastery: Building Resilience

One of the primary goals of Agoge Week is to equip attendees with a strong and resilient mind. Through a carefully crafted curriculum, participants will engage in a series of workshops and activities designed to:

Forge a Strong Body

In addition to mental strength, Agoge Week recognizes the importance of physical fitness in achieving overall well-being. Participants will engage in a variety of physically demanding activities, including:

Join us

Agoge Week is more than just an event; it’s a transformative journey that empowers individuals to become the best versions of themselves. Whether you’re seeking to strengthen your mental resilience, improve your physical fitness, or simply embark on a life-changing adventure, Agoge Week offers a unique opportunity to unlock your inner warrior.

Don’t miss the chance to join Agoge Week and embark on a path of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment. It’s time to unleash your inner warrior and conquer life’s challenges with a strong mind and a powerful body.


About the founder

I’m Matt, a software developer living in Palm Coast, FL.

Due to my interest in philosophical literature, I discovered Stoicism accidentally in 2012 by randomly ordering a copy of Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations. Since then, I’ve been reading the main Stoic works as well as modern books on the subject. I loved the philosophy so much, I went on to develop MettaStoic – a website which had the goal of freely sharing Stoic literature.

In my free time, I train Jiu-Jitsu and engage with physical activities as much as I can. Agoge Week was born as a project because it’s something I’ve participated in myself for quite awhile; I figured I’d share it with the community and embark on this journey with others.